Impact Investing | April 1, 2019
CEO Kevin Walker’s Stanford Social Innovation Review Blog Advocates for More Funding for Native Communities READ ARTICLEGeneral Updates | March 27, 2019
Toward Native Truth . . . and Away from Mainstream Misuse of the Word “Tribal” READ ARTICLEGrantees & Grantmaking | February 13, 2019
Entrepreneurship at the Heart of Q4 Grants in Minnesota and Washington; Oweesta and Native CDFIs Highlight 2018 Grantmaking READ ARTICLEGrantees & Grantmaking | December 26, 2018
CEO Kevin Walker 2018 Year-End Message: How Did You Find Us? READ ARTICLEGrantees & Grantmaking | December 21, 2018
Overcoming High Barriers to Financial Inclusion: Interview with Otis Zanders Shows How Ujamaa Place and a Twin Cities Community of Practice Collaborate on Economic Empowerment for African Americans READ ARTICLEJEDI | December 20, 2018
Insights on Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Journey 3: Complexity Is a Synonym for Richness and Growth in Our DEI Journey READ ARTICLEJEDI | December 1, 2018
Awake to Woke to Work: Building a Race Equity Culture, Equity in the Center READ ARTICLEGrantees & Grantmaking | November 27, 2018
Our CEO and Board Chair Share What We Learned from Native Communities During the 2018 Board Retreat READ ARTICLEGrantees & Grantmaking | November 26, 2018
NWAF Board Retreat to the Inland Northwest: Exploring Our Funding to the Spokane Tribe of Indians and Coeur d’Alene Tribe READ ARTICLEGrantees & Grantmaking | November 14, 2018
Q3 Grantees Drive Economic Opportunity by Rethinking Food-Related Systems READ ARTICLEJEDI | November 13, 2018
Best Practices for Non-Binary Inclusion in the Workplace, Out & Equal Workplace Advocates READ ARTICLE