Charles Wilhoite
A financial expert and community leader in Portland, OR, Wilhoite is passionate about advancing educational and economic opportunities among communities of color.
For more than three decades, he’s worked at Willamette Management Associates. He’s been a managing director since 1995. Willamette Management Associates is a Citizens company that specializes in financial, economic, business valuation, and forensic accounting services. Earlier, Wilhoite was employed in the Phoenix office of KPMG, an international accounting, tax, and consulting firm in Phoenix.

Foundation board member Charles Wilhoite lands a brown trout while fly fishing in his rare free time. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilhoite.
“Charles brings so much to the board table. His professional skill set will add to our board’s financial acumen. And his network of relationships in Portland and beyond, including service on a wide variety of boards, will be a great help as well.”
Kevin Walker
President and CEO, Northwest Area Foundation

Michelle Osborne
(Hum me hum me sh/Turtle Dove)
Currently residing in Oregon’s rural Hood River County, Osborne is Colville band from the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation in Washington State. She terms off our board after nine years of distinguished service that began in February 2016. During her term, she held leadership positions as chair of several committees.
“Michelle has been a wise and joyful presence on our board throughout her tenure. She brought an amazing combination of skills and perspectives: a seasoned business executive, a tireless worker on behalf of people-serving organizations, and an insightful advocate for Native communities. We’ll miss her!”
Kevin Walker
President and CEO, Northwest Area Foundation

Left to right: Joyce Lee, Joe Eltobgi, Duane Carter