General Updates, Strategic Approach | October 16, 2024

CEO Kevin Walker and Board Member Wayne Ducheneaux Blog Featured by Candid

Ray Moore Sr. (Fort Belknap/Fort Totton), Food Sovereignty Initiative Director, Standing Rock CDC
Ray Moore Sr. (Fort Belknap/Fort Totton), Food Sovereignty Initiative Director, Standing Rock Community Development Corporation

Candid asked us how funders could be better supporters of Native communities.

We’ve been a longtime supporter of Native-led groups, and we’d love for other funders to join us. In 2012, we made a yearly commitment of 40 percent of our grant dollars to Native-led groups. This is nearly 200 times the rate of 0.23 percent, which is what the average philanthropic funder gives.

But supporting Native communities means more than funding—it’s also about listening, learning, and building strong relationships. This works best when we, as funders, stop trying to be the experts and, instead, follow the expertise of Native communities. They know what they need to thrive on their own terms, rooted in ancestral wisdom and deep connections to the land, people, and culture.

Candid, the field’s leading provider of nonprofit data, tools, and resources, posted a blog authored by Kevin and Wayne (Cheyenne River Sioux) that provides lessons learned on how we’ve grown as funders of Native communities. The hope is to encourage other funders not only to give to Native-led groups but also to do so with the insight to stand alongside their work.

We invite you to read the blog, and to share it if it resonates with you.

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