We’re excited about the extensive background of incoming board member Amy Sings In The Timber (Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa) in nonprofit leadership and social justice and human rights issues. Currently she is the executive director for the Montana Innocence Project, a legal aid organization dedicated to freeing innocent and unjustly incarcerated people and advocating for accurate, accountable, and fair systems of justice.
“Amy’s career-long focus . . . aligns with the Foundation’s mission. I look forward to seeing how her insights will inform our work.”
Kevin Walker
President and CEO, Northwest Area Foundation

Outgoing board member Maria Valandra (Cree), and vice president of community partnerships for Clearwater Credit Union, terms off the board after a distinguished nine-year term. Maria brought her full self to the board. As an Indigenous woman, she’s proud of her culture and brings an Indigenous perspective to her work as an experienced banking and community development professional with a career spanning more than 25 years.
“Maria brought a broad and important skillset to the board, which included banking experience in our region. She served with dedication and grace.”