“If we’ve learned anything from 2020, it’s that our experience of this year’s many crises is fractured along deep lines of racial inequity and injustice that have been centuries in the making.”

“When trauma is so widespread, it can help us acknowledge our shared humanity without denying our differences. It can light the way toward empathy, and toward a more inclusive and whole community.”
“The note I want to end 2020 on is this: No, we will never be the same. We will be better.”

Read more about Kevin’s thoughts on racial inequity:
Personal Address on the Impact of This Year of Crisis (Video Blog). »
Racial Inequity Is at the Root of This Year’s Crises. Our Response Is Immediate, and Long Term. »

Crisis Response Updates web page
This year’s mounting crises call for us to rally together in commitment to our priority communities. As part of that commitment, we’ve developed a Crisis Response Updates web page for the latest information as we learn more from our grantee partners and collaborate on responses that meet their needs. The web page includes our expanded crisis response grantmaking and COVID-related informational and funding resources. We’ll continue to update the page as new information is available.