We’re making a big investment to support the present and future of Native philanthropy by awarding our $1 million Presidential Grant to Tiwahe Foundation.
Most of the funds will go to work as a matching grant for Tiwahe’s Seventh Generation Endowment Campaign. Kelly Drummer, Tiwahe president and CEO, is proud to share that this is one of the first community-led endowment campaigns in the country for American Indians.
Tiwahe, which means “family” in the Dakota language, helps Natives and their families, ultimately making better Native communities. It is the first-of-its kind community foundation: independent, American Indian led. Its micro-granting programs help Natives support Natives through educational programs, economic opportunities, and cultural revitalization.
The endowment will assure that Tiwahe is able to carry on its unique asset-building approach to grant-making for the long term, enriching the lives of Urban Natives across the Twin Cities for years to come.

“There are some remarkable events in any campaign that will always be remembered as thresholds that tell the story of the full potential of what is to come. One of these is the remarkable gift from the Northwest Area Foundation. That gift has set the measure of a future assured for all those people to come, young and old, who will benefit from Tiwahe’s gifts.”
Laura Waterman-Wittstock
Co-chair, Tiwahe’s Seventh Generation Endowment Campaign